Thursday, December 9, 2010

lets try it again...Bri's 1st Blog Chapters1 -3

Chapter 1: A First Look at Interpersonal Communication


Self-esteem needs, which involve valuing and respecting ourselves and being valued and respected by others. Communication is the primary way we figure out who we are and who we can be. We gain our first sense of self from others who communicate how they see us. As family members communicate their perceptions, children begin to form images of themselves. This process continues throughout  life as we see ourselves reflected in other eyes.  (pg. 13).

Life Application:  Growing up I remember having an over powering sense of shyness in front of other people. It really took a toll when I began elementary school. I was overly shy to the point that I would not respond to my teachers. They simply thought that  didn't understand the courses. However, that was not the case. When the  teacher would ask me for and answer to a question or to read out loud in front of the class i would just freeze with no response because of my shyness not because I didn't know the answer. The teachers began to just put me aside and treat me differently than they would the honor-roll students, belittling me an making me even more unwilling to speak. The frustrated cycle for both my parents and my not so loving teachers finally came to an end when entered forth grade. This teacher  Mrs. Shockley, was different. She spoke to me differently, she would tell me I was smart and that she knew I knew the answers to the questions. She always showed me attention and never pushed me aside, until one day I just opened up. I began  to read out loud  in class and answers questions when asked. Mrs. Shockley boosted my confidence and self-esteem which was the issue all along.

Chapter 2 Communication and Personal Identity

Uppers,and Downers

One way to think about reflected appraisals is to realize that others can behave as uppers, or downers. People act as uppers when they reflect positive  appraisals of our self-worth. They admire our strengths and accomplishments, and accept our weaknesses and problems without discounting us.When we are around uppers, we feel more upbeat and positive about ourselves. People act as downers when they express negative evaluations of us and our self-worth. They call attention to out flaws, emphasize our problems, and put down our goals and dreams. When we're around downers we tend to feel down about ourselves. (pg.45).

Life Application: I'm sure everyone has come across a downer at some point or another. However, an important person in my life unfortunately plays the role of a downer and that is my mother. She tends to be pretty harsh whenever I have a conversation with her about my views or my life. I tell her my plans and goals and if she does not agree with something she lets me know right way. She criticizes my ideas and brings me down, which is why I keep my convos with her to a minimum. But don't feel sorry for me just yet because I have the greatest upper in the world and that is my boyfriend. He always makes me feel good about myself, he listens and doesn't criticize my ideas. He makes my flaws almost nonexistent. I always feel happy around him and feel like can tell him anything. In the end I am thankful for  having him in my life, but I do love my mom.

 Chapter 3: Perception and Communication


Culture is the totality of beliefs,values understandings, practices, and ways of interpreting experience that are shared by a number of people.Culture forms the patterns of our lives and guides how we think, feel, and communicate. The influence of culture is so persuasive that its it hard to realize how powerfully it shapes our perceptions.

Life Application: As  a first generation Mexican- American I have found it rather difficult to adapt to the American culture without leaving my Mexican heritage behind. In American culture the way you dress takes a big play in society. I tend to dress pretty casual for the most part I wear my ugg boots pretty often in the winter. However, my mother despises my boots she wants me to wear heels and wear dresses like a young lady should but I don't. I grew up hear so of course I am going to develop some culture clashes whether it is the way I dress, speak , or carry myself. My mom is just going to have to understand that I am not only Mexican but Mexican- American and i am proud of my Mexican culture.